CGC Jhanjeri Enhances Road Safety with Free Medical Kit Distribution

As part of its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) efforts, CGC Jhanjeri's NSS wing, under the Department of Student Welfare (DSW), took a proactive step towards enhancing road safety by organizing a free medical kit distribution event. This initiative, conducted in collaboration with Mjaat Police Chowki, aimed to equip car drivers with essential first aid supplies for ensuring their safety on the road.

The event saw enthusiastic participation from both students and faculty members of CGC Jhanjeri. The NSS volunteers, along with representatives from Mjaat Police Chowki, distributed first aid medical kits to car drivers at strategic locations near the campus. These kits included basic medical supplies such as bandages, antiseptic wipes, pain relievers, and other essential items that can prove crucial in handling minor injuries or emergencies on the road.

Speaking about the initiative, one of the volunteers emphasized the importance of road safety awareness and preparedness among drivers. He stated, "Our aim is not only to promote road safety but also to empower drivers with the necessary tools to respond effectively in case of emergencies. By distributing these medical kits, we hope to contribute towards safer road practices and reduce the impact of accidents."

The collaboration with Mjaat Police Chowki underscored the collective efforts towards fostering a safer road environment in the region. Representatives from the police chowki interacted with drivers, providing valuable insights on road safety regulations and encouraging adherence to traffic rules.

CGC Jhanjeri remains committed to its role in promoting community welfare and safety through such impactful initiatives. The event received positive feedback from participants who appreciated the college's proactive approach towards road safety awareness.